888-776-0942 from 8 AM - 10 PM ET
Biotech turns to marine microalgae and vertical farming technology as a solution to our depleted oceans and evolving nutritional needs
WILMINGTON, Del. , June 8, 2022 /PRNewswire/ -- VAXA Technologies, a biotech firm that is redefining the production of sustainable nutrition, announces a new consumer product portfolio, Örlö Nutrition, that harnesses the full potential of algae through AI optimized growing conditions at its high-tech, Icelandic aquaculture planthouse. Örlö's first consumer products include: Ömega-3, Prenatal DHA and Immunity Boost.
VAXA developed a new scientific approach for sustainable and eco-friendly production of microalgae through its patented technology - every bottle of supplements saves 110 Pelagic fish and 1.1 KG of Co2 eq (equivalent to driving around 3.2 miles). By going straight to the source (fish do not produce omega-3 but rather bio-accumulate it through algae), Örlö protects oceans and fish ecosystems, keeping them completely undisturbed.
"As the stability of our oceans reaches a tipping point, we have taken a leap beyond the traditional world of supplements to create a new, carbon-negative nutrition category," said Corinna Bellizzi , Head of US Sales and Marketing for Örlö. "By not fishing, and not disrupting ecosystems to produce our omega-3s and algae-based nutrition products, we prove that our dietary choices can be pro-planet health, and that great nutrition doesn't have to be an either/or proposition."
VAXA's technological platform revolutionizes the way we obtain our nutrition, powered by artificial intelligence (AI) that makes standard methods obsolete for today's consumer demands of pro-planet health: uncompromising wellness standards that benefit the earth as well.
"Cultivating happy algae in an AI optimized aquaculture planthouse in Iceland means that you get the best nature can provide: sustainable omega-3 products, directly from the source, preserving their natural polar-structure, while enabling higher bioavailability and a better, fishy-aftertaste-free, user experience," said Bellizzi. "Örlö's unique polar-lipid structure provides superior absorption, significantly better than that of fish oil, krill oil and other omega sources."
VAXA's completely self-sustaining and closed loop vertical algae farm has perfected growing conditions to deliver five times the nutrient content versus traditional means of growing algae. Given these growing conditions, there are no external factors impeding purity and consistency of the product such as environmental pollutants like mercury or PCBs, pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, or flame retardants, a competitive advantage when compared with fish, krill or algae grown in open ponds.
With zero compromise on supplement efficiency and a positive planet impact, Örlö represents the world's most sustainable omega-3 supplement. To ensure ultimate sustainability, Örlö's algae is grown via the world's first carbon-negative indoor, year-round production process in Iceland using 99% less land and water resources compared to other algae growth methods and yielding algae made from 100% renewable resources, including waste-stream CO2 and glacial melt water. Örlö's sustainability measures extend all the way through to the packaging which features a reusable, recyclable glass bottle for consumers to refill every 30 days. There is no secondary packaging and shipping materials are post-consumer recycled content that use algae ink in place of soy or petroleum-based inks.
"Every choice has been made with the protection of our planet and its ecosystem in mind. From our production process to our content creation and podcast, Nutrition Without Compromise, Örlö is focused on providing value and ensuring that this new pro-planet nutrition category moves from idea-phase to become an engaged movement," said Bellizzi.
Örlö is powered by VAXA Technologies and is committed to providing nutrition solutions that don't compromise the health of ecosystems, our planet, or our morals. Örlö's team believes that a balanced food system is powered by a commitment to sustainability and the regeneration of delicate ecosystems Without that commitment, sustainability means nothing. Find out more at https://orlonutrition.com/ and https://www.vaxa.life/. Follow Örlö on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and TikTok.
Örlö, because nutrition shouldn't be an either/or.
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