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blue green algae and has been widely used as a nutritional supplement recently.It is claimed that Spirulina, which has very high values in terms of protein, natural iron and vitamins, was also a product used by the Aztecs.The Benefits of Spirulina are frequently mentioned by many experts such as İbrahim Saracoğlu, Ahmet Maranki and Ender Saraç.Spirulina, which has a cleansing effect on the body of external factors such as air pollution, smoking and alcohol, is known as a strong antioxidant source.Spirulina, which was once grown in calcium-rich lakes but has been known to be grown in private pools for a while, is used in powder form or in capsule form.Spirulina, which we can consider as a herbal nutritional supplement, is very rich in protein, vitamins A, C, E, D, B₆, B₁₂ and minerals such as Sodium, Phosphorus, Potassium, Calcium, Magnesium, Iron.POMEGRANATE SEED OIL BENEFITSIt is believed that Spirulina has a preventive effect on cardiovascular diseases and keeps bad cholesterol under control.Spirulina, one of the products frequently used in the treatment of allergic rhinitis, is said to significantly reduce symptoms such as runny nose, sneezing, nasal congestion and itching that people with allergic rhinitis complain about.The use of Spirulina helps to reduce and balance blood sugar.It is known that spirulina helps to increase the production of red blood cells and white blood cells in the blood.For this reason, it is known that Spirulina is also used in the treatment of anemia.Spirulina, which can be easily preferred by those who do sports, is said to help reduce muscle pain caused by sports training if used sufficiently.In addition, Spirulina can be used to strengthen muscles and increase body resistance.Those who are trying to lose their excess weight can also try the use of Spirulina to increase the metabolic rate and not to lose nutrients.At the same time, it is one of the most common information about this supplement that Spirulina supplement strengthens immunity.It is stated that the regular use of Spirulina reduces the signs of aging on the skin and causes the skin to look more lively and bright.What are Spirulina Hair Benefits?It is known that those who have hair loss problems can reduce their hair loss complaints with the use of Spirulina.As with all supplements, Spirulina should be used in consultation with a physician.Otherwise, as a result of incorrect or excessive use, Spirulina may have the effect of causing some problems such as headache, allergic reactions, muscle pain, sweating and insomnia.You should not use Spirulina without consulting a physician, and you should determine the dose required for your body with the help of a specialist.Production and Design.Information GroupYou can visit the Cookie Policy pages to get information about the cookies used on our website and to manage your preferences, and the Clarification Text for more information.By using our site you agree to our use of cookies.