Spirulina is a type of seaweed, which is considered one of the most medicinal plants discovered in recent years by scientific circles.The fact that the amount of nutrients in its content is very diverse and it is rich in protein, vitamins and minerals increases its production and consumption constantly.The reason why spirulina is such a useful plant is that the amount of absorption in the body reaches up to 90% due to the fact that the vitamins, minerals, protein in its content are in itself and not added externally.WHAT IS SPIRULINA? WHAT ARE THE BENEFITS?- Since it nourishes the body well, it increases body resistance and affects the energy level positively.- It has a positive effect on allergic nasal congestion.- It helps to protect and clean the body from external factors that negatively affect our body such as stress, smoking, alcohol, air pollution.- It has many benefits for skin beauty and helps to remove acne and acne.- It is claimed to eliminate mouth and body odors when used regularly.- Its natural green color is used as a food coloring.- It can be used as a support in the treatment of various diseases.(Sugar, blood pressure, cholesterol, digestion, anemia, gastritis, ulcer, osteoporosis, skin beauty, weight problem)- Thanks to the organic iron and calcium it contains, it is an effective support for healthy bone, nerve, blood and muscle tissue.It is a rich source of vitamin B12.- It has been observed in scientific research that it supports the digestive system and accelerates the work of the intestines.http://hurriyet.com.tr, the only address for all topics from Turkey and the world to breaking news, columns, magazines, politics, sports and travel; news contents of Hurriyet.com.tr cannot be quoted without permission, even by showing the source.It can not be copied or published elsewhere, illegally and without permission.