IPB Expert: Culinary Business is Now Skyrocketing All Pages - Kompas.com

2022-07-22 20:14:31 By : Mr. Andy Yao

IPB Expert: Culinary Business is Now SkyrocketingKOMPAS.com - After the decline in Covid-19 cases, the prospect of the culinary industry is considered to be accelerating.Prof.Hardinsyah, Professor of Nutrition at the Bogor Agricultural University (IPB) University shared his knowledge regarding the prospects for the culinary industry after the Covid-19 pandemic.He said, by 2022, the growth of the food and agriculture sectors was quite encouraging.The next estimate this year and in the future, the increase could reach about five percent.Based on a report from the Association of Indonesian Food and Beverage Entrepreneurs (GAPMMI), the growth of the Indonesian food industry can reach 5-7 percent.Also read: Students Need Business Capital?These are the conditions for getting funds of up to Rp. 20 millionIn fact, in the second quarter of 2022, the increase has reached 5 percent.“I am also sure that after seeing the post-Eid conditions, the food and culinary sector will improve.After 2022, I also believe that the growth of the food industry can reach 10 percent by 2030," he said, quoted from the IPB University website.However, the culinary industry sector also has its own challenges.Prof. Hardinsyah said that the supply of raw materials from the food industry is the key to the development of the culinary industry.Not only that, the progress of the culinary industry, especially in Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) requires support from the food industry because of this close relationship.“The big food industry can support and get traditional culinary innovations from MSMEs and vice versa, can provide easy access to industrial raw materials.The logistics system must be better, collaboration between the food industry and small culinary businesses is also important," he explained.Besides utilizing digital platforms, it is also important to combine different cultures.Also read: Professor of IPB: Benefits of Spirulina from Anti-acne to Anti-cancerThis is important because most of the food consumers who use digital platforms are Generation Z.Generation Z is one of the factors in the development of hybrid culinary, by combining foreign and local culinary.Socially and culturally, continued Prof. Hardinsyah, the expansion of social facilities by franchise companies and the like by providing a place of business for MSMEs will also be mutually beneficial.This facility can provide benefits and convenience for both business people and consumers.This mutual cooperation effort is a win-win solution reflected in the big industry and the culinary industry.Also read: IPB Lecturer Reveals 4 Threats of Insect Conservation EffortsAnother big challenge is related to the use of plastic packaging.The policy of reducing the use of plastic packaging by the government is a challenge for culinary business players.“Culinary business actors must also be aware of the increasing trend of labeling food and plant-based foods.More aware of this trend, the food industry will have good business prospects," concluded Prof Hardinsyah.This article is part of Parapuan.Parapuan is a space for women's self-actualization to achieve their dreams.Write your comments with the hashtag #JernihBerkomentar and win e-vouchers for 90 winners!Get information and insight selected by Kompas.com editorsDouble check and complete your data.Your data will be used for account verification when you need assistance or when unusual activity is found on your account.Immediately complete your data to join the #JernihBerkomentar program.