Spirulina is considered one of the oldest organisms on planet Earth.Due to its specific shape, it just got its name.Many ancient peoples used this miraculous alga to heal, but also to strengthen the body.Novak Djokovic, the world champion, also discovered the benefits of spirulina.This powerful microscopic algae is a rich source of beta carotene, 60 percent protein, as many as 18 amino acids and vitamins A, B, C, E and D.Although it looks amazing, spirulina contains more protein than meat, so it is an ideal option for vegetarians and vegans.It certainly can't replace a meal, but it can serve as a great dietary supplement.Many studies have proven the strong effect of spirulina on human health, especially on strengthening immunity, speeding up metabolism, lowering cholesterol and stabilizing blood sugar and blood pressure.Special mention should be made of its miraculous ability to bind heavy metals, which are then expelled from the body.According to nutritionist and dietitian Milka Raicevic, spirulina is especially recommended for athletes, pregnant women, but also people with weakened immune systems.- Many studies have confirmed the effect of spirulina on general health.It is definitely recommended to take it preventively to boost immunity.Former alcoholics, but also smokers should take it in order to detoxify from the accumulated toxins - the interlocutor explains.Spirulina is also called "green blood" due to its numerous benefits, and in addition to purifying the body, it also increases energy, work motivation, improves memory and relieves stress, anxiety and depression.Today, it is possible to get organic spirulina, and it can be found in various forms: tablets, powder, capsules, and even flakes.Due to its incredible effect on the body, spirulina is also recommended for pregnant women, nursing mothers and children, but the dose is determined according to age and weight.Interestingly, spirulina has four times stronger antioxidant effect than blueberries, and is a leading source of gammalinolenic acid (GLA), a powerful anti-inflammatory agent in nature.nComments are COMPLETELY ANONYMOUS, and registration is not required.© 2022 "Ringier Serbia doo" - Powered by Ring Publishing |Developed by RAS Tech