Hope today OI is as good as yesterday. With that said, and now we are off…
We will do our best. Welcome to Day 2. Good morning!
3. How did you become a Packers fan?
I became a Packers fan because I was born and raised in Wisconsin to a father who was lucky enough to be a teenager during the Lombardi years. We watched and suffered through the long years of the late '70s and '80s. Unfortunately, he passed at an early age in '93 and we couldn't share in the return to relevance. I have passed my fandom on to my Texas-born daughters who refuse to wear blue and silver together even though we are just 30 minutes from Jerry World. We watch the Pack every week.
I became a Packers fan because of my dad. We grew up in New Jersey. He went to Catholic school, and in high school, the main rival's basketball team was coached by Lombardi. He admired him and began rooting for GB when they hired him. I've been a fan ever since but have never been to GB. That will change.
I am a 6-year-old boy sitting on the floor next to my 9-year-old brother watching the only football team we could get on our TV antenna in northern Wisconsin. This was the beginning of a decade-long fascination and admiration for…the Purple People Eaters. Becoming a Packers fan came years later when I realized Wisconsin had a team and was able to watch them on TV some.
I was 4 years old in 1959 watching a Packers game with my dad. The announcer says, "That was Paul Hornung, the Heisman Trophy-winning quarterback from Notre Dame." My mom passed by and said her great aunt was the president of St. Catherine's of Notre Dame. I became a Notre Dame fan, Hornung fan and Packers fan in one fell swoop. Hornung became my favorite player, and I've been a Packer fan ever since.
Basil from Nags Head, NC
How did I become a Packers fan? I was born in 1960 to an old-school Virginia State Police trooper dad and a schoolteacher mom. When I started watching football, the Packers were the team to beat in the NFL. At the time, the NFL represented order and discipline, just like my father did. The AFL was the radical league. So, of course, we gravitated toward order, discipline, and the Packers of Vince and Bart. I have been a diehard fan ever since!
Karen from South Beloit, IL
For most of my life, this retired lady thought football was a boring bunch of guys pushing each other around. Five or six years ago, my brother-in-law took the time to explain how much brain power was actually involved and I was hooked. At first, I rooted for the team with the cutest uniforms. Then, I chose the Bears because I live in Illinois. But within a few months, as I studied NFL history and watched multiple games, I wised up. GPG!
Brent from Paris, Ontario, Canada
It was after the Super Bowl in '92. I'd been following some of the great QBs (Montana, Marino) and didn't have a favorite team – flipping back and forth between SF and Miami. It was time to choose a team to be mine. I decided to choose a "crappy" team that nobody else that I knew liked. There it was – the Green Bay Packers had just finished 4-12. That was gonna be my team for life. Lucky me, shortly after that, Brett Favre was traded to GB, and the rest is history!
My first memory of watching football on TV is why I became a Packers fan. It was Favre running around the field in the Super Bowl with his helmet raised in his hand. I remember the pure joy of his celebration and the carefree fun he played the game with.
Sept. 20, 1992. Living in Ontario near Buffalo and having basic cable, we often only saw Bills games. That week, Buffalo had a Monday Night game, so Cincy and the Packers happened to be on instead. I had a few NFL trading cards and one of them happened to be Matt Brock. At 10 years old, I hadn't seen too many others with the name Brock, so I decided to watch the game to see Matt. A few minutes into the game, Don Majkowski goes down and in comes Brett for the first time. I was hooked ever since.
I grew up in Milwaukee and certainly knew about the Packers. But I was a fair-weather fan. Then, I read Jerry Kramer's book, "Instant Replay." Then I felt a personal connection to the players and the team. I became personally invested in the outcome of games. Kramer mentioned St. Norbert College and the tradition of training camp there. I think that book had something to do with me eventually attending St. Norbert. I found out later Kramer stayed in the same dorm I did. Connection indeed!
Bob from San Jose, CA
Our paper mill hired several Packers in the offseason every year when I was a kid. We lived next to the city swimming pool. Some of them would stop and talk to my dad (a mill worker) on their way to the park. One of them, Ted Fritsch, played on our city baseball team for several years. In 1942, our city team won the Wisconsin Valley League championship and Ted was a big part of it. Later, Jerry Kramer spoke at my Letterman Club dinner after his rookie year. That's all it took.
I was born a Packers fan due to my religion. My family resided in Chicago and lost the Cardinals to Arizona. In the 1950s, my great, great uncle was the bishop of Green Bay and was very close to Vince Lombardi, who was bishop's altar boy. Luckily, my great, great uncle told my family he can get us any tickets to any game. Here we are in 2022 with young children seeing the Packers. Being a Packers fan to me is part of my religion.
Dec. 31, 1967, on the couch, next to my dad and brother, Tom. No. 15 sneaks behind No. 64. I jump off the couch with the intensity only a 14-year-old can muster. My dad laughs and we share a moment that put us in Green and Gold forever.
I grew up in Utah with no NFL team to cheer for and my family never watched football. In the early '90s, my oldest sister got a new boyfriend, and he was trying to bond with me so he said, "Paul, I'm going to teach you about football and the greatest quarterback in the world, Brett Favre." After the first game watching the man play, I was hooked for life.
Born in the Philippines, I moved to Hawaii in 1996, and was bullied constantly at school. I cried and begged my parents almost daily to send me back. One day, mom randomly bought a Green Bay Packers jacket at a thrift store. I wore it to school and suddenly other students approached and made small talk saying, "Go Packers," "Favre is the man," and other similar comments. From that day, I figured out how to relate to other students. Never alone again and a huge Packers fan since. GPG!
Jennifer from Rio Rancho, NM
I don't ever remember not rooting for the Packers. I was born in Green Bay. My dad had season tickets since before I can remember and volunteered as an usher for several years. My Mom worked in the Packers' ticket office in the '50s. I vaguely recall listening to and watching games at a very young age. But I suppose I became a "fan" in my pre-teen years when I began to understand that there were other teams that were our "enemies." And the Bears still suck.
Growing up in southeast Idaho in the '60s, I chose the Packers because they were winners and were in a small city. My dad told me once the Packers weren't winning anymore, I would stop being a fan. I promised him that would never happen. Now after more than 50 years, I'm still a Packers fan and shareholder. Many here would say I'm the biggest Packer fan in Idaho.
No blankie in crib; just a football. My dad was on the Green Bay school board and got free tickets because they played at East High School. I had no choice; still that way after 80 years.
Dale from Green Bay, WI
It's bred into my DNA. My father has always been a diehard Packers fan and even attended the Ice Bowl. No ticket stub, he was "attempting" to sell popcorn (a job he and his best friend were given after being caught sneaking in once or thrice) without much luck. After halftime, they were allowed to wander and ended up right in front of the end zone guard rail where Bart famously snuck in. Fifty-five years later, we watch every minute of every game together. I love you, dad!
I became a Packers fan in 2001 when my sister went for student exchange program to WI and sent me Packers T-shirt. All the years my interest was very limited. I was sometimes even asleep as football is not popular in Poland. Things turned around when I visited my brother-in-law and he invited me to a preseason game against Houston in 2019. Since then, we watch every game together while being 4,500 miles apart. Sometimes games end 5:30 a.m. my time and 7:30 I need to be at work. I don't care. I must help my Packers win!
I was 9 years old, and it was time to sign me up for my first tackle football. At signups, my dad volunteered to be an assistant coach. A couple days later, a head coach called him: We were going to be Packers. I took it to heart, wearing the green and gold every Sunday. I read Jerry Kramer's "Instant Replay" and read up on Bart Starr (who was then the Packers' head coach). If the other team in my age bracket had needed an extra coach, I'd be wearing a Chiefs jersey now.
My dad was a Packers fan (being from northeast Iowa) and remembered the '60s teams from his childhood. I was indifferent growing up in the '80s and wasn't really interest in football. I started becoming more interested in high school which incidentally coincided with Brett Favre's ascendance. I'm now a proud owner of two shares, purchasing one in each of the last two opportunities.
Bryan from Fair Oaks, CA
When I was 8, my grandparents visited from Iowa. One Sunday morning, a game was on TV. My grandfather asked which team I liked, explaining the team that gets the ball in the "end zone" the most, wins. I looked, and a team in green seemed closest to the end zone, so I took them. Very soon, the other team (the Colts) scored, leaving me very confused, but I had made my choice. The team in green was the Packers. I have been a fan ever since. I will be 65 this summer.
My dad and I rooted for the Packers together when I was a kid in the '80s, but I became a Packers fan for life in 1989 and '90, when mom left dad and filed for divorce. My cheers for the Pack in those years were mingled with cries over the pain of my parents' separation, but my bond with my dad stayed strong, partly because we had the Packers in common in those "Majik Man" glory days. My dad won final custody of my two sisters and me in November '90, and my love for the Pack followed me to today!
I think it may have been genetic. My mother's nephew, Dan Orlich, played defensive end for the Packers from 1949-51 before going on to be the world's greatest trap shooter. Every Sunday afternoon (first on the radio, then on TV), my mom would hang on every word of the broadcast and record every play on a yellow legal pad. I remember once asking her how they ever found anybody to play against, because who wouldn't want to be a Packer?
I became a Packers fan in the late 1970s. On Sundays in the fall, my dad would take us kids to church (I have two brothers and two sisters) and we would stop at the local grocery store to pick up the Sunday paper and snacks and be home by the noon kickoff. I have been a loyal Packer fan ever since, thanks to my dad.
My lifelong Packers fandom was set in stone watching the Pack beat the Cowboys, 13-3, at County Stadium in 1965 with my father and my uncle. We had a big family, so getting to go to a game was rare. It was the year of my first communion and was frankly more meaningful. All my Catholic peers had participated in that sacrament, but few had had an in-person first communion with the Packers. The fans' roar, the dust rising over the infield; I remember it like it was yesterday.
John from Dripping Springs, TX
In 1939, when I was nearly four years of age, my father was a fan of all sporting competitions in Milwaukee and Wisconsin. He never stopped raving about Don Hutson, Cecil Isbell and many others. Back then, the Packers played some games in Milwaukee. If we didn't go to a game, we listened on radio. Years later, I moved south to teach at the University of Texas. My son Chris, born in Texas and living in California, has been a huge Packers fan. How did that happen?
My father left Cuba in 1960. He was a sugar chemist and in 1963 was contracted in Green Bay at a sugar beet refinery for three months, which happen to during the time of training camp. My father knew nothing about football, but his coworkers took him to watch a training camp practice and the rest is history. Of course, he influenced me. I became a fan at the young age of seven...lol...and at the age of nine my father took my brother and me to a training camp practice.
Ron from Broken Arrow, OK
I am 59 years old and have lived my entire life in Oklahoma. I became a Packers fan because my now deceased mother, who also lived her entire life in Oklahoma, chose the Packers to be her team back in the 1950s. As she grew up in a small town in Oklahoma, the Packers also being in the smallest city in the NFL was why she chose them. She passed her passion for the Pack on to me, and my wife and I have passed it on to our two daughters. GO PACK GO!
My dad worked jobs during the depression to take his dad in Model-A Ford to Packers games. His hero was Don Hutson. I was born at the end of the Lombardi era, so I listened to all the great stories of '60s but endured 25 years of dismal football that I still cherish today because memories make us rich as Vic would say. Being surrounded by players such as Larry McCarren, Johnny Gray, Mark Lee, James Lofton, Lynn Dickey and others was a great thrill.
I was 12 years old growing up in Shreveport, La., playing street football one day. We called it quits and I went home where dad was watching TV and people were climbing on the goalposts. I asked what was going on and he said the Packers just beat the Chiefs for the world championship. I said that's my team. They beat the Raiders the next season and then came the '70s and '80s but I never lost hope. I actually cried when the Pack won Super Bowl XXXI.
Thomas from Wagga Wagga, Australia
I started watching NFL in 2010 and decided if I'm gonna take this seriously I need to find a team. When I looked into it, I instantly found an affinity with the Packers. A small-town publicly owned club with huge heritage, speaks to the underdog spirit of the Aussie. Plus, they are green and gold, what not to love? Bonus that GB went all the way to world champs, and I've been forever hooked. Much to my wife's disgust, just another sport to steal my attention! Go Pack Go!
Bob from King of Prussia, PA
When I was about 9, the daily after-school football game required us to "be" our favorite player. As a military brat, I did not have a "home" team for more than a couple years at a time, so picking a team and player to cheer for was not easy. Friends had picked the Cowboys and the (Baltimore) Colts, but I wanted to be different, so I picked the team that was close to my birthplace (NE Iowa) and had a QB who I admired (Starr). By the way, the year was 1967. Good timing on my part.
Team photographer Evan Siegle shares his favorite photos from the 2021 Green Bay Packers season.
4. What is your slogan for an Insider Inbox T-shirt?
My slogan for the Inbox T-shirt is "According to my research (which could be wrong)." I used that phrase after doing a lot of research for a comment I submitted, and Wes said it needed to be on a T-shirt. What better authority than Wes? Both Mike and Wes have been using that phrase ever since so I feel a sense of pride whenever I see it written in one of their replies.
Brian from Twain Harte, CA
"Just beat the (insert the Packers' next opponent here)"
Alice from St Paul, MN
"I went to Lambeau and all I got was Wes's lunch"
Johnny from Fort Myers, FL
A Wes Hod photo with "Have a question?"
"If you have any questions about laser goalposts, the No. 88, or the 'Dead Zone,' ask someone else"
"Calm? We don't need no stinking calm!"
"There is no chortling in the Inbox."
"I got 88 questions but laser goalposts ain't one."
Scott from Sauk City, WI
I don't have a slogan, but if I made one, it would probably just be a No. 88 jersey crossed out with a big red X. Or being incinerated with lasers.
T-shirt slogan: "Doing my 1/11th." (Editor's note: Haha, I think someone made this one for us already, complete with laser goalposts).
"Insider Inbox - For Packers Everywhere to Come Together!"
Wayne from Lake Hallie, WI
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