Yolanda Hadid's 'Detox Morning Regime': A 28-Day Cleanse Minimises Lyme Symptoms - The Teal Mango

2022-09-23 20:38:28 By : Mr. calvin xu

Gigi Hadid’s mother Yolanda Hadid is taking the “health regime” to the next level with her impressive detox diet. In a recent Instagram post, the 58-year-old Dutch-American TV personality opened up about how thousands of drugs, preservatives and pesticides are harming our bodies despite a good diet and exercise. As a solution, she shared a 28-day “detox morning regime” by a famous author, Anthony William and revealed how a 28-day cleanse minimised her Lyme symptoms.

A post shared by YOLANDA (@yolanda.hadid)

Former model and mom to Bella and Gigi, Yolanda Hadid (58) is taking her wellness game to the next level. Her new Instagram post is all about fresh veggies and fruits. Following a 28-day “detox morning regime”, Yolanda has been able to adopt a healthier lifestyle than many of those health-conscious beings. She started her Instagram post by mentioning:

“So, even if you eat well, exercise, and keep your immune system strong, you are still susceptible to the environment and chemicals in the food supply. There is a lot of scientific evidence showing that thousands of drugs, preservatives, pesticides, and other pollutants remain stored in our bodies long after we are exposed to them.”

While this remains true, Yolanda revealed how two-seasonal detoxes per year along with a few shorter ones in between help her with her body. She explained that whenever she feels likes pushing the “Reset” button and clearing out the inflammation, she is automatically inspired to take up these detoxes. Well, her healthy skin and body speak verses about how well she takes care of herself, that too, in the most natural ways.

In one of the images, Yolanda shared an impressive “detox morning routine” by famous wellness author, Anthony William, professionally known as Medical Medium, which includes the following:

32 oz lemon water (Wait at least 20-25 minutes)

32 oz celery juice (Wait at least 20-25 minutes)

1 tablespoon barley grass juice powder

1-2 cups fresh orange juice (if oranges are sweet), 1/2 squeezed orange, if oxidised. Add coconut water to make sure it is not pink.” 

Yolanda revealed how this 28-day cleanse has helped her minimise her Lyme symptoms. She added, “This is not a diet, it’s a lifestyle that I grew into after years of suffering from dis-ease.” If you’re not aware, Lyme disease is caused by the ‘bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi, and rarely borrelia mayonii’. In simpler terms, it’s transmitted to humans through the bite of infected black-legged ticks. Symptoms may range from skin rash (Erythema migrans to fever, headache and fatigue.

Yolanda Hadid explained the benefits of this amazing detox by mentioning a very important point. She stated that a good cleanse/detox is more than just what goes into your mouth. It is all about feeding yourself mentally, spiritually and emotionally. She added, “This is the food god intended us to eat and your body will teach and show you how the symptoms just melt away when given the right healing foods.”

In the end, she thanked, famous author, Anthony Williams, professionally known as Medical Medium, for the morning routine. Now, if you’re wondering what’s in store for the rest of the day, Yolanda expressed that she makes delicious salads and steamed vegetables for a perfect diet.

She also opened up that today marks her 12th day of the cleanse. She also stated how this cleanse has kept her energy up even while taking a 5-mile walk. With this diet, her brain feels much clearer and she experiences better sleeping. She also stated other benefits like reduced joint pain.

In the end, she wrote: As we are changing seasons today, I feel deeply grateful and ready to take on what life has in store for me……..” Honestly, her post is one of the most honest pieces of advice when it comes to one’s health.

If you’re not aware, the Centre for Ecogenetics & Environmental Health suggests that due to increased pesticides in fruits and crops, people are often exposed to “Acute OP pesticide poisonings result in symptoms like nausea, abdominal cramps, diarrhea, dizziness, anxiety and confusion, amongst others, which can be quite severe but are often reversible.”

Coming back to Yolanda’s post, the detox regime has been provided by renowned author, Anthony William who is “a self-proclaimed medium who offers pseudoscientific medical and health advice based on alleged communication with a Spirit.” Professionally known as Medical Medium, Anothny’s Instagram has over 4 million followers and his bio states: “NY Times Bestselling Author, Medical Medium Podcast, Helping people overcome illness, Originator of Global Celery Juice Movement.”

Yolanda Hadid’s post has garnered more than 80k likes in just a few hours. Her post includes images of fresh veggies, salads and fruits. In one of the videos, you can see her squeezing fresh lemon juice.

In the comment section, one fan wrote, “Live this!!! Would you mind sharing your exact regime? Of course, I will make sure I check with my physician first. But you always look so healthy and beautiful. We could all use an immune boost. Especially since I suffer from terrible arthritis. Thank you again😍.” Another fan expressed the inconvenience to follow such a regime with a long-hour job and kids. 

One fan criticized Medical Medium by calling him a fraud. She wrote Medical medium is a fraud. Eating a whole food plant-based diet is all there is to it! Medical medium isn’t a doctor. He uses basic knowledge that a whole food plant-based diet is best for health and then tries to market his own version of that by acting as if his recipes are what causes healing…”

Well, he may be a fraud, but this healthy plant-based diet is doing wonders for many. If you have any questions, shoot your thoughts because I’ve been doing my research on this since morning. Eat well and stay safe!

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