Six Drinks To Help You Recover From a Hangover - The Healthy Way - LoveBelfast

2022-07-01 20:17:19 By : Mr. Bruce Liu

Hangovers are an unpleasant reminder that what goes up must come down. Whether you’ve experienced headaches, anxiety, fatigue, nausea, shaking, diarrhoea or the whole checklist, overindulging in a few alcoholic beverages can come with dismal consequences.

When alcohol is metabolised it turns into the toxin acetaldehyde, which causes many of the well-known hangover symptoms like vomiting, headaches, fatigue, irritation in the stomach, and a general sense of illness. But that’s not the whole story. Hangovers can also be a symptom of dehydration and sleep deprivation since alcohol is a diuretic and can interfere with sleep brain activity.

And while there’s no such thing as a hangover’ cure’, there may be ways to speed along the healing process. Here we look at six natural ways to rehydrate yourself and get you back to your best.

Coconut water is a favourite hangover remedy due to the presence of naturally occurring electrolytes. Electrolytes are minerals that are vital to the functioning of our body, aiding healthy muscle and nerve functioning and helping to balance hydration levels.

During a hangover, electrolytes can help by improving water absorption and ensuring proper muscle functioning. Coconut water is high in the essential electrolytes potassium, sodium, potassium, calcium, magnesium and phosphorus.

It’s important to note that the levels of these minerals can vary from brand to brand. Regardless, coconut water serves as a healthy electrolyte drink and a great alternative to sugary sports drinks that are often full of artificial ingredients.

Spirulina drink is also one of the best electrolyte drinks. Spirulina is often referred to as ‘the superfood of the sea’ for being rich in essential minerals and vitamins, including high amounts of electrolytes, magnesium and potassium. On top of that, you get a healthy dose of antioxidants, protein and iron to help you back onto the road to recovery.

While spirulina is a popular ingredient in smoothies, if you’re not up for concocting your own or can’t stomach the spirulina taste, it now comes in pre-made sparkling drinks. Drinks like the ones made by Fulcompany are made with all-natural ingredients and nutrient-packed spirulina extract to provide you with all the health benefits of spirulina but with a great taste too. These drinks make great healthy soda alternatives, as they contain no artificial sugars or sweeteners.

Bone Broth has many great health benefits and might even be able to mitigate some of the symptoms of a hangover. Made by simmering bones in water over long periods, bone broth is rich in protein, calcium and amino acids which can help get you back fighting fit.

The main ingredient in bone broth is water which is essential for recovery and comes with the added benefit of the electrolytes magnesium, sodium and potassium to help further combat dehydration.

While any juice can assist you in your hangover recovery by hydrating you and giving your body nutrients, green juice can be especially beneficial. That’s because dark leafy green vegetables like spinach, kale and chard are particularly high in chlorophyll that can assist the liver with its natural detoxification process.

Leafy greens, plus other green vegetables like celery, are also high in electrolytes like magnesium and potassium, which get severely depleted after a session of heavy drinking.

If your taste buds can handle it, adding a little coriander (cilantro) can boost the mineral content and level of hydration of your juice. Adding sweet fruits like apples and kiwis not only enhances the taste but adds even more vitamins and minerals.

The goey, gelatinous flesh of the Aloe vera plant is an effective way to treat dehydration and balance out the acidity. Although more research is needed, a 2021 study published in the Folia Veterinaria journal suggests that aloe vera juice can help with metabolism and the elimination of alcohol, thereby reducing some of the common symptoms of a hangover.

Do be aware that not all aloe vera plants are suitable for consumption, so if you’re unsure, choose organic aloe vera juice from a reputable company rather than making your own.

The simple combination of bananas, milk and honey is not only delicious but, according to one 1963 study published in the Archives of Internal Medicine journal, may even help to ease the symptoms of hangover. That’s because bananas and milk are gentle on the stomach and may even calm feelings of nausea. They’re also rich in those all-important electrolytes – potassium, magnesium and calcium – which can help hydrate the body.

Adding honey to your milkshake can pick up depleted blood sugar levels and give you an added energy boost to boot. The best bit is that it’s super tasty and quick and easy to whip together.

When you’re hungover, it’s tempting to reach out a quivering hand to the coffee machine. While coffee will give you a quick hit of energy, it will further dehydrate the body and can even worsen symptoms of a hangover. That’s because caffeinated beverages like coffee, black and green tea are diuretics. In other words, they encourage the kidneys to release more water and essentially pee more, depleting your body of fluids.

Another tempting remedy is ‘hair of the dog’, AKA drink more alcohol to delay the pain of the hangover. You don’t need us to tell you that’s not the wisest idea, as more alcohol means more dehydration. Another drink to avoid is orange juice, as acidity can further irritate your stomach.

While these beverages can help your body recover from dehydration and restore lost nutrients, scientists have found there’s no such a thing as a hangover’ cure’. The only way to avoid a hangover is to not drink alcohol or at least drink in moderation with plenty of water.

Speaking of water, it definitely deserves a shout-out on this list. Water is your friend and the most important beverage to help recover from a hangover and avoid one altogether. If you don’t enjoy the taste of water, you can always add some tasty fruits like strawberries, lemons or cucumber slices.

Remember, hangovers are a warning sign that your body is labouring under the volume of toxins in the body. So next time you’re out on the tiles, make an effort to sip water between alcoholic drinks and drink in moderation. You’ll thank yourself later.