What is collagen, what does it do?It officially stops aging!Collagen-containing foods - Yeni Akit

2022-07-15 20:15:39 By : Mr. Shibakawa GZ

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decreases in the body after the age of 20.Therefore, it is necessary to make room for collagen-containing foods on the table.Collagen deficiency causes problems such as wrinkles, sagging skin, pain in the joints and weakness in the muscles.If you don't want to look like 50 when you turn 30, eat collagen foods for breakfast or dinner.WHAT IS COLLAGEN?collagen;A type of protein that is the most important building block of almost every organ, including skin, muscle, bone, tendon and ligaments, teeth and eyes.The main task of collagen, which is the most abundant protein in the human body;to give structural support to the body's bone, cartilage and muscle tissues.At the same time, it undertakes important functions such as ensuring that all tissues and organs, especially the skin, remain alive, strong and flexible, and creating textural integrity.The reflections of collagen deficiency are mostly seen on our skin;our skin begins to sag, loses its firmness, becomes dull and wrinkles become inevitable.In addition, damage develops in many organs and tissues, from joint cartilages to tendons, from teeth to nails.Ece Öneş, Nutrition and Dietetic Specialist, pointed out that in order to increase collagen production, it is necessary to abandon wrong habits such as smoking and consuming sugary foods, and says, "We can also help increase this protein quickly and easily by adding some nutrients that are rich in collagen and increase collagen production to our nutrition list." .Nutrition and Diet Specialist Ece Öneş talked about the important nutrients in collagen supplementation and made important suggestions and warnings.What are the types of colleges?There are many different types of collagen molecules in the body.Although the main task of all of them is to support the connective tissue structure, each has a number of specialized tasks.Basic collagen types:Type 1 collagen: 90% of the collagen in the body is Type 1 collagen.It is found in a tightly bundled filament structure.It is responsible for the establishment of bone, skin, tendon, fibrous cartilage and tooth structure.Type 2 collagen: In this type, collagen fibers are more loosely packed than Type 1.It is found in the elastic cartilage in the joints.Type 3 collagen: It is located in the food of muscles, organs and vascular structures.Type 4 collagen: Found in skin layers.As age progresses, collagen production in the body decreases and poorer quality collagen is produced.As a result, the skin loses its elasticity and wrinkles occur.The cartilage tissue also weakens.There may be problems with the joints.What is collagen, what are collagen-containing foods?Bone broth Collagen is found in bone broth.Bone broth is extracted by cooking chicken, beef, or other animal bones to absorb collagen and minerals.Avocado Collagen is one of the reasons why avocados, which are especially popular with celebrities, are popular.It brightens and nourishes the skin.Avocados are packed with vitamin E and omega-3 fatty acids.You can consume it in your smoothie, salad or toast.BONE WATER: Bone broth is an excellent source of collagen with its important amino acid content such as glycine, proline and arginine.Adding bone broth to your diet from time to time is ideal to replace the decreased collagen in your body.However, it is very important to avoid the consumption of bone broth if you have cardiovascular disease or any disease associated with high cholesterol, as routine consumption of bone broth can increase blood cholesterol levels.Egg white Egg white contains glycine and proline, the main amino acids that make up collagen.Egg yolk protects skin, bone and muscle health.It is also beneficial for vitamin D.Either boil the egg or cook it in a pan.Just start your day with it.GELATIN: Gelatin is a type of protein derived from collagen.Therefore, it is considered one of the foods that increase collagen production.Gelatin can be used during cooking and you can mix it into soup, stew or broth to increase the nutritional value of your food.Grow the most natural blueberries at home!Countless benefits!Consume a lot!Grow the most natural blueberries at home!Countless benefits!Consume a lot!Grow the most natural blueberries at home!Countless benefits!Consume a lot!DARK, GREEN LEAF VEGETABLES:Another important factor in collagen production is the adequate consumption of vitamin C with collagen.Therefore, dark green leafy vegetables such as spinach, purslane, cress, arugula and parsley should be on your diet regularly.CITIZEN FRUITS: Citrus fruits such as oranges, tangerines and lemons are also rich in vitamin C, which support collagen production.Because when synthesizing collagen, it needs auxiliary nutrients just like many other proteins, and vitamin C is a nutrient that plays a leading role in collagen production.RED AND PURPLE FRUITS: Red and purple fruits such as strawberries, raspberries, blackberries, black mulberries and blueberries are a storehouse of vitamin C and support collagen production.Nutrition and Diet Specialist Ece Öneş says, "Especially, ellagic acid, which is an antioxidant type of strawberry, has a protective effect against the destruction of collagen."GARLIC: Apart from vitamin C, one of the nutrients that support collagen production is sulfur.Garlic is among the foods that support collagen production, thanks to the abundant sulfur it contains.Recent studies have shown that animals fed a sulfur-poor diet produce less collagen.ALGAE: Collagen protein consists mainly of amino acids glycine and proline.Therefore, enriching glycine and proline in nutrition also increases collagen production.Spirulina is a glycine-rich algae variety and is sold in dried form.You can add spirulina to juices or desserts.Making The Best Collagen Mask At Home1 Tea Cup Chia Seed 1 Tea Cup Flax Seed 2 Cup Brewed Green Tea Application:To apply this mask, mix the seeds in a deep bowl.Then toss the hot brewed green tea over the seeds.Get some rest.In the meantime, take gauze and cut a gauze mask to fit your face exactly.Soak this mask in the water you just brewed the seeds in and remove.Place the mask on your face and lie in a chair for 15 minutes with the mask on.You can try the miraculous mask that supports collagen production every morning.You can store the mixture you prepared in the jar with the lid closed.At the end of regular application, you can witness that your skin looks healthier and livelier.1 Tablespoon of Honey 5 Pieces of Red Grape Puree 3 Teaspoons of Olive Oil Application:Mix all the ingredients in a bowl to increase the amount of collagen in your skin.Then apply it to your skin with a small brush and wait for 15 minutes.Thanks to this healthy mask with high antioxidant content, the regeneration rate of your skin cells will increase.With this mask, you can eliminate the wrinkles that occur around the eyes, under and around the lips.As a result of applying 2 times a week, you can get effective results in a short time.Cinnamon Turkish coffee recipe: Drink your coffee like this and lose weight!Woman - Family Cinnamon Turkish coffee recipe: Drink your coffee like this and lose weight!Cinnamon Turkish coffee recipe: Drink your coffee like this and lose weight!Sakarya Mufti Hasan Basiş spoke about the Kuwaiti clergyman Osman al-Hamis, whom Ahmet Hodja Cübbeli was targeted.Following the rise in the dollar rate, the gold prices, which continue to be strong, are followed with interest in the upcoming period.Topic..Turkish flags are also displayed on the Al Jaber towers in the Lusail district of Doha, the capital of Qatar, due to the anniversary of the July 15 coup attempt.Akit news is the latest breaking news and news archive.We have always shouted the truth and followed the truth.We did not become the newspaper of every era, we became the newspaper of the nation.The copyrights of the articles, news, interviews, photographs, pictures, audio or visual content published on the www.yeniakit.com.tr website belong to Uğurlu Gazetecilik Press Publishing Printing Advertising Limited Company.The copyright of these contents is reserved.It cannot be quoted without permission and without showing the source;It cannot be copied or republished in any way.The loading time is 0.0169 sec.