You can get e-magazine links on WhatsApp. Click here TOP NEWS Single Cell Protein Spirulina: A Super Food for Healthy Life Tuesday, 14 July, 2020, 08 : 00 AM [IST] Bhavana, A., Akshay R Patil and Gayathri, B. Description of Single Cell Protein (SCP) SCP refers to source of proteins which are extracted from single cell organisms like algae, yeast, bacteria and fungi normally grown on agricultural wastes. These are produced with an intention to use them as substitute for protein rich foods for humans as well as for animals. Though SCP is a relatively modern concept, yet using micro organisms for food production and as an animal feed supplements has been since from ages. Micro organisms have an ability to upgrade low protein content and this phenomenon was employed during First World War by Germans. Pruteen was the first commercial SCP and was mainly used as animal feed supplement. Most of the developing countries suffer from malnutrition and deficiency of proteins which leads to severe complications. SCP plays a major role in elevating protein deficiency. SCP is good source of proteins to these individuals as it can replace costly conventional sources like soya meal and fish meal. In case of animals they increase the nutritive values and are commonly used for fattening calves, poultry, pigs and fish breeding. Commercially available SCPs:- ? Spirulina: - It is the popular SCP with 60-72 per cent of proteins and is also a rich source of vitamins, minerals, crude fibre etc. ? It is commonly used in supplemented diet for undernourished children. It is a part of diet for sportsmen and is used in baby foods as well. It is also recommended in case of diabetes; to maintain healthy eyes, anti- aging agent, contain antioxidants and many more. ? Chlorella:-It is another commonly used SCP alga. It contains around 45 per cent of protein, 20 per cent of fats and CHO along with minerals, fibres and vitamins. Apart from this it is also used as a medicine in many cases. ? Fusarium: - Fungi have been used since ancient times either as a source of food or for its medicinal values. ? Quorn is the commercially available protein which is marketed in several supermarkets across Europe and North America as high protein , low fat and cholesterol free product. ? It contains traces of vitamin B, dietary fibre and is used to control body mass and lower the risk of heart diseases. Advantages of SCP ? SCP is excellent source of protein containing about 43-85 per cent. ? It contains very low fat content and hence can be used widely. ? It is a rich source of dietary fibre, vitamins and minerals. ? It can be genetically modified to contain desirable amino acids. ? It can be used as an animal feed supplement to increase weight and nutritive value. ? It is also used in technical fields like paper processing, leather processing and as foam stabiliser. ? It can be used in a broad spectrum of carbon source including waste products which helps in removal of pollutants. ? Land requirement is less and the process of production is economically viable as it do not require sophisticated machinery. Evolution of Spirulina When life began on Earth, CO2 level in our atmosphere was probably 100 times greater than it is today. Life began in a green house atmosphere and micro algae played the central role in transforming this inhospitable planet into the beauty and richness that makes up life today. The first living bacteria, the prokaryotes consumed chemical nutrients as foods but some adapted the energy of the sun to make their own food. The first photosynthesising prokaryotes called cyano bacteria used light energy to break apart the abundant CO2 and H2O molecules into C food compounds releasing free O2. Fossils dating back 3.6 million years, show filaments of these single cells stacked end on end. The shape unmistakably resembles spirulina. History of Spirulina Spirulina, whose scientific name is Arthrospira platensis, is an edible non nitrogen fixing blue- green algae. In 1940, report published by French Physiologist Dangeard on a material called Dihe’, eaten by the Kenambu people near Lake Chad. Dihe’ is hardened cakes of sun- dried blue green algae collected from the shores of small ponds around Lake Chad. Dangeard also heard this same algae populated a no. of lake in the Rift Valley of East Africa and was the main food for the Flamingos living around those lakes. Then came across curious blue-green cakes in native markets of Fort Lamy in Chad. Desert winds pushed the mats of algae to the shores. Kenambu people collected the wet algae in day pots, drained out in water through the bags of cloth and spread out algae in the sand to dry in the Sun. When dried women cut the algae cakes into small squares for sale in the local market. Dihe’ is crumbled and mixed with a sauce of tomatoes, peppers and poured over millet, beans , fishes or meat. It is eaten by the Kenambu in 70 per cent of their meals. Pregnant women eat dihe’ cakes directly because they believe its colour will screen their unborn baby from the eyes of sorcerers. Spirulina is also applied externally as a poultice for treating certain diseases. At the same time, a company director in Mexico, Hubbert Durand Chastel, read about Spirulina and realised it was the same algae clogging the soda extraction plant on Lake Texicoco. Although Spirulina was not then eaten as a food in Mexico, an historical literature search revealed it was harvested dried and sold for human consumption 400years earlier, at the time of the Spanish conquest. Spanish chronicles described fishermen with fine nets collecting these coloured algae from the lagoons. Nutritional depletion of modern foods:- Today’s food is lower in essential nutrients than foods produced only 50 years ago. Farming practices have depleted our soils of minerals. Micro organisms in the soil contributing the valuable mineral content are declining because the chemical fertilisers destroy these micro organisms. Agribusiness chooses hybrid strains based on harvest ability, appearance and storage ability, rather than nutrient content . Furthermore, the long shipping and storage time between harvest and selling reduces nutrient content. At the same time increased stress from environmental pollutants and lifestyle demands has increased our dietary requirements for certain essential nutrients. As a result, many of us do not trust the quality of foods. Thirty years ago only health food consumers used nutritional supplements. Today at least some supplements are used by almost everyone. Algae Cultivation is an evolutionary step in Agriculture Modern agriculture has boosted short term productivity by using seed hybrids and massive fertilisers, pesticide, water and energy inputs. Productivity has been achieved by simply ignoring consumption of non-renewable fossil fuels for fertilisers and machinery, pollution of water and soil through excessive use of chemical fertilisers, and depletion of soil. Algae scientists talk of balancing pond ecology for sustainable growth. Pesticides and herbicides would kill many microscopic life forms in a pond, so algae scientists have learned how to balance the pond ecology to keep out weed algae and zooplankton algae eaters using pesticides or herbicides. Ecological food production is the next stage in agriculture. This represents both an increase in productivity stewardship of the Earth’s resources. Organic and biodynamic farming methods perma culture, aquaculture and low tillage forming are practices now becoming more popular. Algae cultivation is a new addition to ecological food production. Cultivation of spirulina The Hope of Spirulina A spirulina farm is an environmentally sound green food machine. Cultivated in shallow ponds, these algae can double its biomass every 2 to 5 days. This productivity breaks through yields over20 times more protein than soya beans on the same area, 40 times corn and 400 times beef. Spirulina can flourish in the ponds of brackish or alkaline water built on already unfertile land. In this way, it can augment the food supply by not clearing the disappearing rainforests, nut by cultivating the expanding deserts. For the first time since the appearance of man, both wilderness and food productivity can be increased simultaneously with a new technology. This is the choice that man has never had before. The rediscovery of this ancient life as a human food has great implications for us all, now and in the 21st century. It is an example of the myriad of unexpected and astounding solutions to basic world problems that are now beginning to appear together on this planet. A nutrient rich super food for super health Our modern diet is filled with depleted, over processed convenience foods. Many people supplement with extra vitamins and minerals. Now science is looking beyond vitamins to phyto nutrients. Spirulina called a super food because its nutrients profile is more potent than any other food, plant, grain and herb. These nutrients and phyto nutrients make Spirulina a whole food alternative to isolated vitamin supplements. Concentrated Green Super Food Early research documented Spirulina is safe consumption by traditional people. When scientists discovered that spirulina grew so fast yielding 20 times more protein per acre than soya beans, they named it as food for the future. Spirulina is the best vegetable protein source, with a protein content of 65 per cent higher than any other natural food, 3 to 10 grams a day delivers a impressive amounts of beta carotene, vitamin-B 12 and B complex, iron, essential trace elements and gamma linolenic acid. Beyond vitamins and minerals is rich in phyto nutrients and functional nutrients that demonstrate a positive effect on health. For the undernourished people in the developing world, spirulina brings quick recovery from malnutrition. In western overfed food culture loaded with unhealthy and depleted foods, spirulina can re nourish our bodies and renew our health. Food and drug administration confirmed in 1981 that spirulina can be legally marketed as a food supplement. Composition of spirulina Amino acid quality A protein is considered to be complete if it has all the essential amino acids. Spirulina is just that, complete protein. Protein Digestibility Spirulina has no cellulose in the cell walls, being composed of soft muco polysaccharides which is easily digested and assimilated. It is 85 to 95 per cent digestible since helpful for people suffering from intestinal mal absorption. Many older people have difficulty in digesting complex proteins and on restricted diet, fins spirulina protein easy to digest. Spirulina is effective for victims of malnutrition diseases like kwashiorkar, where the ability of intestinal absorption has been damaged and for those it is the most effective than milk powders because milk lactic acid can be difficult to absorb. Vitamins – Protectors of Health 10 grams of spirulina serving (20 tablets) supplies a rich profile of vitamins we need. Natural beta carotene (pro-vitamin A) Spirulina is the richest source in beta carotene, 10 times more concentrated than carrots. High doses of Vitamin A may be toxic, but beta carotene in spirulina and vegetables is safe because human body converts beta carotene into vitamin A only as needed. It is important in maintaining mucous membranes and pigments necessary for vision. Vitamin B12 and B complex vitamins Spirulina is the richest source of vitamin B12 higher than beef liver, chlorella or sea vegetables. B12 is necessary for development of RBC, especially in the bone marrow and nervous system. Although primary B12 deficiency pernicious anaemia and nerve generation are quite rare because B12 is the most difficult vitamin to get from plant sources, vegetarians have taken to spirulina. Others B vitamins, B- 6, niacin, biotin, panthothenic acid, folic acid, inositol and vitamin E is also present in smaller amounts. Mineral content of Spirulina It absorbs many trace elements while growing and these minerals are well assimilated by the human body. Its mineral content varies depending on where it is grown and the minerals in the water. The best natural Iron supplement Iron is the most common mineral deficiency worldwide especially for women, children and older people. Spirulina is a rich iron food, 10 times higher than common iron foods. 10 grams supply up to 10 mg of iron. Spirulina iron is easily absorbed by the human body. It is theorized that its blue pigment, phycocyanin forms soluble complexes with iron and other minerals during digestion making iron more bio available. Hence, iron in spirulina is over twice as absorb able as the form of iron found in vegetables and most meats. Essential fatty acids Human require a dietary source of EFA. They promote cholesterol normalisation and are precursors of hormones called prostaglandins. Spirulina has 4 to 7 per cent lipids or fats and most of these are EFA. 10 grams have 225mg of EFA in the form of linoleic and gamma linoleic acid (GLA). GLA is the precursor of the body’s prostaglandins- master hormones that control many functions. Dietary saturated and alcohol can cause in GLA deficiency and suppressed prostaglandin formation. The only other known sources of dietary GLA are mother’s milk, oil extracts from evening primrose, black currant and borage seeds. Spirulina is a concentrated source of GLA where 10 gm serving gives 135 mg of GLA. Phyto-nutrients A rainbow of natural pigments: - Pigments help to synthesize many enzymes necessary for regulating the body’s metabolism. Spirulina very dark colour comes from these natural pigments which harvest different wavelengths of sunlight. Phycocyanin: - The most important pigment in spirulina, this protein complex is about 14 per cent of the entire weight. Phycocyanin evolved a billion years before chlorophyll and may be the precursor to chlorophyll and haemoglobin. It has both iron and magnesium in its molecular formation. Chlorophyll: - The common feature of green foods is their high chlorophyll content. Chlorophyll is known as a cleansing and detoxifying phyto-nutrient. Sometimes called green blood because it looks like the haemoglobin molecule in human blood. Chlorophyll has a magnesium ion in its core giving it a green colour. Spirulina has 1% of chlorophyll, one of the nature’s highest levels and has the highest chlorophyll – a level. Carotenoids(natural antioxidants):- About of these yellow / orange pigments in spirulina are carotenes: Alpha, Beta and Gamma. About half are Xanthophylls: Myxo xanthophyll, Zeaxanthin,Cryptoxanthin,Echinenone, Fucoxanthin ,Violaxanthin and Astaxanthin. T otal mixed carotenoids make up 0.37% of spirulina. Although beta- carotene is the best known to enhance antioxidant protection. ? Polysaccharide: - Spirulina contains only 15 to 25 per cent of CHO and sugar. The primary source of CHO are rhamnose and glycogen two polysaccharides which are easily absorbed by the body with minimum insulin intervention. Spirulina offers quick energy without taxing the pancreas or precipitating hypoglycemia. ? Glycolipids and sulfolipids: - When NCl announced that sulfolipids in blue green algae were remarkably active against the AIDS virus, attention was focused on the sulfolipid containing glycolipids. The three classes of lipids in spirulina are called neutral lipids, glycolipids and phospholipids. Glycolipids are 40% of the lipids and contain sulfolipids. Sulfolipids from spirulina range from 2-5% of the total lipids. ? Enzymes: - Enzymes are catalysts for chemical changes. There are thousands of enzymes, each catalysing specific reactions. Dried spirulina contain a no. of enzymes. One in superoxide dismutase (SOD) important in quenching free radicals and in retarding aging. SOD enzyme activity ranging from 10000 to 37500 units per 10 grams has been found in spirulina powder. How to use spirulina ? It provides quick energy and nourishment between meals or in a place of meals. It is a perfectly safe natural food. Can be taken 1 tablespoon or more each day. ? The more popular way to enjoy it is to ad d it to our favourite fruit or vegetable juices in a blender. Start with 1 tea spoon and add flavours and spices to suit your taste. Human health benefits Natural weight control: - Take a heaping teaspoon of powder (about 5 grams)or at least 6 tablets one hour before meals or snack breaks. Slow but steady weight loss is desirable. Often dieters are able to stabilise their body weight a more ideal lower level. Spirulina can help us to remember the wisdom of a natural diet. It helps to lighten up, and provides the energy to make the switch from a bulky unhealthy diet to lighter, more powerful nutrient rich foods. Lowering cholesterol level Spirulina is a helpful food for cholesterol reduction. Only 4 grams of spirulina day (8 tablets) significantly reduce cholesterol levels. Reducing pre-menstrual syndrome Many clinics recommends foods and supplements rich in B-complex, magnesium, zinc, beta carotene, GLA and other nutrients spirulina is helpful in a PMS reducing pain and several PMS supplements contain spirulina. Lowering risks of cancers Spirulina is over 10 times more concentrated in beta carotene than any other vegetables. Only 3 grams offers RDA of Vitamin A in the safe form of natural beta carotene. Plus, its entire carotenoid complex offers antioxidant protection at different sites in the body. Colon cleansing Spirulina is described as a metabolic activator which acts on the body tissues at the cellular level to promote activity to burn up muco forming substances. Brazilians, who eat excess beef with few vegetables and fibre, complain of constipation and take spirulina for its cleansing and normalising effect. Athletes and body builders Athletes need extra nutrition and concentrated super foods have become popular. Taken before jogging or competition athletes say spirulina delivers energy and improve stamina. It increases the endurances of marathon runners, backpackers, cyclists and climbers who carry all their food take tablets for more energy and stamina per weight than conventional foods. This high intensity food is perfectly suited for high intensity training. Spirulina contains GLA which stimulates prostaglandins master hormones which regulate every cell of the body including heart, skin, circulation and musculature. The Cuban Sports Ministry was given 1,600 bottles of spirulina before the 1996 Olympic Games so athletes could intensify training. Children, pregnant and nursing mothers Iron deficiency anaemia in mothers and children is the most prevalent nutritional disorder. Pregnant women need spirulina‘s extra easy to digest protein and bio available iron, without more saturated fats. In India and Vietnam, its prescribed for pregnant and nursing mothers. An amount of 1 tablespoon of spirulina to this entire category provides sufficient nutrients daily. Anti aging strategy With the highest level of the protective anti-oxidant beta carotene. It’s good for eyes and vision. It builds healthy lactobacillus aiding in assimilation and elimination. Older people desire to eat less meat, so it’s important to choose iron rich vegetable sources like spirulina. Vitamin B 12 absorption decreases with age, so B 12 rich spirulina is a sound choice. It contains rare EFA GLA, essential nutrients for healthy skin gram – for – gram it has more calcium and magnesium than other foods. Calcium and magnesium supplements are recommended for mature women who may have calcium from their bone mass and suffer from osteoporosis. Potent antiviral activity In April 1996, scientists from the Laboratory of Viral Pathogenesis, Dana- Farber Cancer Institute, Harvard Medical School and Earthrise Farms announced on – going research, “Water extract Spirulina plantensis inhibits HIV-1 replication in human derived T- cells lines and in human peripheral blood mononuclear cells. A concentration of 5 to 10microgram/ ml was found to reduce viral production.” HIV-1 is the AIDS virus. Small amount of spirulina extract reduced viral replication while higher concentrations stopped its reproduction. With a therapeutic index of >100, spirulina extract is non toxic to human cells at concentrations stopping viral replications. Strengthens immune system Spirulina is the powerful tonic for the immune system. In studies of mice, hamsters, chickens, turkeys, cats and fish, it improves immune system function. Scientists find it not only stimulates the immune systems, it enhances the body ability to generate new blood cells. Important parts of immune system, Bone marrow, stem cells, Macrophages, T- cells and Natural killer cells exhibit enhanced activity. Spleen and Thymus glands show enhanced function. Scientists also observe spirulina causing macrophages to increase in number activated and more effective at killing germs. Effects against diabetes and hypertension Spirulina have a positive effect against diabetes. A water soluble fraction found effective in lowering serum glucose level at fasting while the water insoluble fraction suppressed glucose level at glucose loading. It may also reduce blood pressure. In a recent study with rats it was found to reduce high blood pressure. Benefits for malnourished children As a little 10 grams a day brings a rapid recovery from malnutrition especially for infants. In India, large scale studies with preschool children showed carotenes in spirulina helped children get recovered from m Vitamin-A deficiency. Benefits of spirulina in animal feeds ? A speciality food for fish, birds, animals and pets: - Demand is surging for speciality aquaculture feeds that increase growth rates and disease resistance for farms fish and prawns. Tropical fishes, ornamental birds, animals and pets of all kinds consume a good portion global spirulina production. Health, beauty and colour for ornamental birds. Zoos feed flamingos ibis a diet rich in spirulina and report improvement in health and colour. Algae increases feather colour and shine, health beaks and skin and promote good bacteria in the digestive tract. Birds are healthier without chemical vitamins, drugs or chemicals. Pet birds can be more beautiful, healthier and live longer. Spirulina is concentrated: use at 1 to 2 per cent of total diet. Ailing birds may be fed more not exceeding 5 per cent of diet. Sprinkle powder over soft food or mix dry into hand feeding formula. Healthy food for cats and dogs For healthy skin and lustrous coat, spirulina is good for cats and dogs, for bottle fed kittens and puppies. Use a spoonful of powder in a n empty salt shaker and sprinkle over soft moist food. Use at about 1 per cent of dry weight of daily food intake. A pinch of each day for small cats and kittens for large cats use ¼ tsp. Tonic for horses, cows and breeding bulls Race horses are given spirulina in their ration for faster move. Dairy farmers use it to keep cows healthy by improving intestinal flora that is to important in ruminants, ½ ounces twice a day for each of 100 pounds of body weight by mixing in slightly dampened feed. It increases fertility in bulls. Spirulina in developing world WHO in Geneva has confirmed that Spirulina represents an interesting food for multiple reasons, and it is able to be administrated to children without any risk to fight against malnutrition. Karla, India – The first integrated system ? Karla village is near Wardha famous for Mahatma Gandhi’s ashram. The Centre for Science for Villages (CSV) an organisation inspired by Gandhi’s vision that India’s strength lies in the strength of its villages operates the village system in Karla. ? This project derived income from compost and fish sold to local villagers and from spirulina sold from Bombay. The CSV has distributed spirulina cookies and noodles to local children with great success and chapatis are other local favourite. This page allows you to send the current page to your friend. Your Friends Email ID: Your Email ID: Post Your Comment * Name : * Email : Website : Comments : Captcha :
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