Jokowi: Ladies and Gentlemen who continue, I am the one being demoted|Ridwan Kamil Meets Geraldine the Elementary School Teacher Who Found Eril's Body|Asset Recovery by KPK Increases by 157 PercentSunday, March 22, 2020 |11:12 WIB By : Irawati D Astuti / IDSJakarta, - To increase immunity to avoid the corona virus, many people are looking at herbal remedies and natural substances from nature.One of the most coveted is honey.It's no wonder that green honey that combines honey and dozens of native Indonesian herbal substances is selling well."Since the corona virus outbreak, green honey has become in demand, even running out of stock because of its benefits that can increase immunity," said Hizrah Bacan, owner of PT Herbal Putih which produces green honey, Sunday (22/3/2020).During this time, green honey is usually used to treat inflammation and infections in acute and chronic stomach.This honey can also neutralize gerd which spreads to the respiratory and chest.The production of green honey itself started from the creativity and research of students at the Bogor Agricultural Institute (IPB).Their research is supported by lecturers and nutritionists, and supervised directly by pharmaceutical institutions.Unmitigated, the result has been certified herbal honey processing in Indonesia.The green color in green honey is a green substance that comes from dozens of herbal leaves.Some of them are Moringa leaves, saga leaves, betel leaves, and spirulina which function to cleanse toxins in the stomach, intestines, blood and liver.Therefore, in addition to overcoming gastric disease, green honey is also efficacious to overcome various other diseases.Based on research, every drop of green honey contains terpenoids, steroids, tannins, alkaloids, phenolics, and saponins which are natural ingredients of the root of the pirates as anti-cancer and inflammation substances.As is known, the root of the bajakah is a rare plant originating from the interior forests of Kalimantan as a recipe for ancient Dayak medicine to treat various chronic diseases since hundreds of years ago.Green honey sells for IDR 250,000.To order green honey, you can directly order through the official website at and can also be found in online stores.Watch live streaming of BeritaSatu TV programs here