The CSIR-CFTRI, which ensured several consignments of “immunity-boosting” food items during last year’s COVID-19 lockdown, has renewed the offer during the ensuing lockdown.
The Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) Director General Shekhar C Mande had written to the Chief Secretaries of all the States, offering help from not only CFTRI, but also the other CSIR laboratories across the country. “We are waiting for the governments to respond”, CFTRI Director Sridevi Singh told The Hindu .
Last year, a large volume of food items including high-protein rusk and zinc fortified mango bars, besides Spirulina based chikkis were distributed among the needy migrant workers and patients across the country. “CFTRI has licensees all over India. Through our licensees in Delhi, we had made food available to even to patients in All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS)”, she said.
Spirulina-based chikkies were distributed in Karnataka last year. “These items contain useful micro-nutrients along with protein. To some extent, we were able to take care of the nutritional needs of people to stay healthy. These food items help boost immunity to some extent”, she said.
Dr. Singh recalled that the lockdown imposed across the country last year was very severe. But, this year the supply chains do not appear to have been disrupted like last year. Yet, she said CSIR had offered assistance to different States including offer of food by CFTRI during the pandemic. “Definitely, CFTRI can help”, she added.
Even though CFTRI may not be in a position to supply the required food items to various parts of the country from Mysuru in view of the logistics involved, Dr. Singh said they can definitely arrange for the same through their licensees, who spread across India.
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Printable version | Aug 19, 2022 9:13:21 am |