A walk on the beach, here and there colored in bright green and here comes the inspiration.There are several themes and raw materials that I have not yet had the opportunity to talk about and algae are among them.So here I am to fill a small gap!The 2000s are dotted with articles in which we talk about the food of the future, a category of which algae are also part but we went further, because the future is actually already here and has arrived on our tables for some time now, thanks to the ethnic cuisine or rather the millenary Asian gastronomic culture.Suffice it to say that among the main producers of algae there are China, Japan and Korea, while in Europe Ireland stands out.The seaweed or sea vegetables in our dishes are not often seen, perhaps due to the preconception that wrongly links them to the "dirty sea" but they still begin to make their way.Algae are not all the sameThe algae are classified into brown, green-blue, red and each has its own characteristics and its use.There are about 20,000 species in nature, almost all of which are edible.Flavor ranging from marine to salty, from toasted to sweet, often referable to umami.They are rich in proteins, vitamins (B and C), mineral salts and trace elements among which iodine stands out, which is why they are not recommended for people suffering from hyperthyroidism.In general, they should be taken in moderation.On the market we find them mainly dried and in powder form.To be included in your recipes, the dry ones must be rehydrated as is done with gelatin sheets (they must not float in water), while the powdered ones must be diluted in water, milk, vegetable drinks or incorporated into the dough from salty ones to sweet ones.Remember, when you buy them and open the packages, the rather pungent salty smell is part of the package.Let's go into more detail, focusing on some types of algae, the easiest to find in supermarkets, ethnic or specialized shops but also online:Ready to bring seaweed to the table?Altrimedia Useful information for your advertisingLibertà.it newspaper registered under no.704 of the register of periodicals of the Court of Piacenza.Editoriale LIBERTÀ SpA Telephone: 0523-393939 Registered office: via Benedettine, 68 - 29121 Piacenza CFPIVA and Piacenza Company Register: 01447930338 REA: PC 163204 Share capital Euro 840,000.00 fully paid-up© Libertà.it - All rights reserved.- Powered by Valuebiz - LEGAL NOTES - Cookie policy - INFORMATION ON THE PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA